To know one life has breathed easier because you have lived. That is to have succeeded. - RW Emerson

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


This past weekend  I had the privilege of traveling to Montreal to attend the MonWHO conference. MonWHO is a World Health Organization simulation conference held in Montreal every year. The College of Biological Sciences Student Council (CBSSC) sponsored 11 student to go. The theme of this year's conference was Refugee health, and it was super fun!

It was the first time I had ever been to Montreal before, so it was pretty exciting for me just to be there. I was the Merck & Co. pharmaceutical representative, which as you can imagine had its ups and downs. I have discovered that I am really bad at being self centred, hording money and just generally being evil. We spent most of the weekend inside, arguing over policies, what is important and debating, but we did get to spend a little bit of time shopping (1hr in H&M) and seeing some sights in Old Montreal.

Check out some photos from the weekend!

Artsey group student have their creative moments too.

Guelph biological science students go Ninja style

Notre Dame Cathedral

In "Western Business Attire" after the first day of Regional Blocks (sweet name tags!)

The NGOs...and yes, we know our placards are inverted

What should we eat? The menu is in English, French and some Asian language all at the same time.

Da roomies! Went from not knowing each other to sleeping with each other in 12 hours.

Science rules!

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